Buyers Advantage RealtyFrank Stoto, BrokerCALL: 860-417-2733

Working with Banks and the VA
I am the Broker/Owner of Buyers Advantage Realty, specializing in the management and sales of REO (Foreclosed Bank and VA properties) in the Litchfield County, Fairfield County, and other towns in CT. I also educate Sellers and Buyers on how to sell or buy a home with your interest in mind. I have over 20 years of experience and am currently listing and selling REO and Private Home properties. I have funds available to make emergency repairs and pay utilities on behalf of my REO clients. My team and I take great pride in delivering timely and accurate data to our corporate clients while striving to keep their carrying costs low. Selling your REO or personal properties in a reasonable time frame for the highest possible market price remains a top priority for our team. I am personally involved in each and every REO/BPO/Personal transaction and am available to take your call to discuss your REO/BPO/and Private Homes needs.
Contact me today to find out more about how I can help you sell or buy a home!